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That's recovery.
As I am sitting in my apartment tonight, having gone through two bags of pretzels and a full jar of chocolates, after a rather copious...
"Healing comes in waves". My stages of change.
Not even a week into your first attempt at recovery and you soon find yourself in an inexplicable physical and emotional mess. A chaos...
Sporadic feelings in recovery
Anger and resentment every so often over-flood my heart. I try and struggle to stay an observer, simply let them depart. I recognize they...
Wouldn’t be a recovery journey without visiting the land of Veganism
If you are recovering from an eating disorder, I wouldn’t be surprised if you also toyed with the idea of veganism. A lot of the...
Recovery. What it's really like.
Choosing the path of recovery, Gently lifting the eating disorder shelf, You’re onto some huge discovery, “What the hell”, is the first...
Walking with Anorexia.
Anorexic genes thrive in calorie deficits! See, I loved to walk. I would walk from Tribeca to the Upper East Side. I would walk from the...
The Unconditional Permission to Eat
I often find myself looking back at the whole “recovery thing”. What a messy process. I can analyze it over and over, and still, develop...
“I need to get healthy” I hear my friends say To loose some weight I see them pray. Depriving themselves, from food all day Going to...
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